Bookseller Catalogs

E-LIST 66: Gilded Lilies

By Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.

E-LIST 66: Gilded Lilies I am pleased to offer for sale a garland of Gilded Lilies, which includes: Han's Bellmer's LA POUPÉE, one of 105 copies with 10 gelatin silver photographs; Bonfilis' SOUVENIRS D'ORIENT, with 100 albumen prints; the first photographic identification pass made for the 1876 Centenial in Philadelphia; two vintage photographs by Walter Chappell; an archive of cabinet cards of Frederick S. Dellenbaugh and his associates; an inscribed copy of LES AMÈRICAINS., with a drawing by Robert Frank; a self-portrait by Rauol Hausmann; Victor Landweber's SWEETSTUFF: CANDY POLAROIDS, with 17 POLACOLOR diptychs; Man Ray's ÉLECTRICITÉ from 1931; a salt print of a Philadelphia Fire Fighter from c. 1858; a large group of titles by Frederick Sommer, including his portfolio of signed photogravures, THE BIRTH OF VENUS; a drypoint caricature of Josef Sudek inscribed by him; two artist's books of original gelatin silver photographs made by the mordançage process by Jean-Pierre Sudre; Fox Talbot's ENGLISH ETYMOLOGIES, which he inscribed; Carleton Watkin's YOSEMITE BOOK with 28 large albumen photographs; salesmen's sample books, and other oddities.


By Charles Agvent

AFRICAN-AMERICANA, MAGIC/CIRCUS, ETC. Our new catalog contains 25 select items, mostly African-Americana and Magic/Circus items. Highlights include the First Commercially Published Book Written by an African American in the United States; a Signed Limited George Gershwin PORGY & BESS; an Important Association Copy of Lyndon Johnson’s VANTAGE POINT; Original Teletype Pages from the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.; Gaspar Schott’s Richly Illustrated PHYSICA CURIOSA, 1697; an Inscribed Copy of Booker T. Washington’s UP FROM SLAVERY; and much more.

The Fairy-Land of Science: Underground Books Catalogue No. 1

By Underground Books

The Fairy-Land of Science: Underground Books Catalogue No. 1 Welcome to the fairy-land of science...
In this, our first rare book catalogue, you'll find books at the crossroads of science and fairy tales in the Victorian era and beyond! Many of these books are warmly and whimsically written, abundantly illustrated, and bound so beautifully they almost look as if, somehow, they've come to us straight from fairyland themselves.

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